Unique shape – 5-minute crafts https://www.5mcrafts.com Fri, 19 Jun 2020 07:24:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.4 Let’s see the fruits with unique shapes https://www.5mcrafts.com/lets-see-the-fruits-with-unique-shapes/ https://www.5mcrafts.com/lets-see-the-fruits-with-unique-shapes/#respond Fri, 19 Jun 2020 07:24:19 +0000 https://www.5mcrafts.com/?p=148 “Unique and strange” is one of the words that can be imagined when you can witness the shape of the following fruits, which can be likened to them from an alien. 1. Lemon shaped brain The large lemons shaped like a human brain have a special aromatic essential oil smell, when ripe peel turns yellow […]

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“Unique and strange” is one of the words that can be imagined when you can witness the shape of the following fruits, which can be likened to them from an alien.

1. Lemon shaped brain

The large lemons shaped like a human brain have a special aromatic essential oil smell, when ripe peel turns yellow and the cloves turn green yellow fancy. Growing popular in Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand with many different names.

2. Passionflower fruit shaped like a banana

Having an oblong oval shape, the passion fruit is in the shape of banana passion (banana passion fruit), when it is ripe, replace the dark brown “mantle” often seen with eye-catching yellow. These banana-shaped passion fruit are native to South America. These unripe, banana-shaped passion fruit turn green and turn golden yellow and brown when ripe. There are even fruits up to over 12 cm long.

3. Grapes shaped witch’s hand

This witch grape called Witch Finger has the most unusual shape of all grapes with a length of 4cm each and a diameter of 1cm. Different from the usual round shape, these grapes have an oblong shape like a human finger. Sweet, mildly aromatic. This is a seedless grape, when ripe they often have a deep red color and glossy skin.

4. Kiwano horned melon

This “alien” melon grows mainly in South Africa, California (USA) and New Zealand. The melon, nicknamed “horned melon,” is yellow and has many jagged horns, while the inside is green with acrid taste, the taste of this fruit is a combination of lemon, banana and cucumber. It is known that this melon is considered a traditional food, ensuring the source of food security in Africa. Cucumbers can be grown all year round, with the most fruit coming in the summer-autumn and winter-spring crop. is a thermophilic creeper, so if grown in a place with lots of light the tree will grow faster and produce bigger fruits.

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